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  • Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage. - Offices 

  • Exhibition: "The child in tradition". 

  • Exhibition: "Customs of our place". 

  • Our publications. 

  1. Library with approximately 12,000 book titles and manuscripts of leading writers such as Kostis Palamas, Yiannis Vlachogiannis, Myrtiotissas, Delmouzou, Ritsou,  Shaktouri, Vlachogianni, Papanoutsou, Christianopoulou, Negreponti, Hatzikyriakou-Ghika, M. Anagnostaki, Zyranas Zateli, Didos Sotiriou, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Sofias Mavroidi-Papadaki, M. Rasoulis, Elytis, Koumantou, Doras Stratou, Th. 

  • Fotiadis, T. Varvitsiotis, Nezeriti, Marcoglou, Panselinou, G.P. Savvidi, D. Loukatou, 'Alkis Kyriakidou- Nestoros,   etc. 

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  • Hall - multi-room  with all the logistical infrastructure (lighting, sound, projector, seats, panels, speaker's platform, etc.) with a capacity of 70 seats for conferences, book presentations, small musical ensembles, screenings, teachings, seminars, educational programs, etc. 

  • Gallery for periodical exhibitions and installations.  

  • Rooftop for outdoor exhibitions of sculpture and other applied arts. 

  • Outdoor activities, such as a fixed large projection screen, lighting, and a space with a capacity of 250 people. 

  • Shop with the publications  of the Center. 


  • Exhibition: "Offerings of Worship - Human stories". "Anastenaria". 

This Collection is unique and  counts over 2,500 tamas of popular worship from Roman times to the present day. It is the most famous natural area of Anastenaria, since it functions as a Konaki 


  • Exhibition:  120 Masks. 

  • Warehouses of our collections. 

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